Questions about how soon egg hatch will be completed and when tent caterpillars will begin to feed will soon be answered by Kentucky's spring weather.
"When temperatures are in the upper 70s most of the eggs hatch in eight to ten days, however, highs in the 50s can spread hatch out over a month," said Lee Townsend, Extension entomologist in the University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture. "These caterpillars are basically inactive below 50 degrees so it's easy to see how great an effect temperature has on them."
The tent caterpillar, which gets its name from the silken tent it constructs in tree branches, prefers wild cherry but also feeds on peach, apple, crabapple and other trees.
This insect, which is common throughout the eastern United States, is a nuisance but poses no
health threat to humans.
Because the eastern tent caterpillar has been identified as one of the risk factors associated with Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, UK scientists are intensely monitoring its activity. As part of a comprehensive UK program this spring scientists also are watching other factors, including pasture
conditions and weather patterns.

Natural enemies play an important role in reducing eastern tent caterpillar numbers in most years. Caterpillars are frequently parasitized by various tiny braconid, ichneumonid, and chalcid wasps. Several predators and a few diseases also help to regulate their populations. This, in part, accounts for the fluctuating population levels from year to year.

Young caterpillars can be killed by applying an insecticide containing Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki. Larvae within the tents are protected beneath the webbing and are more difficult to kill with an insecticide.
Hardin County Extension Office (765-4121) www.hardinext.org is an excellent source of information on insect pest management, as well as the UK entomology department's web site at www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/enthp.htm.
Gardeners’ Tool Box Series:
Spring Flower Arranging - May 3, 2011
Back by popular demand! Assemble a small springtime flower arrangement. The perfect gift for Mothers’ Day or give the class as a gift. All the supplies for the arrangement will be included in the class fee. Registration ($10) and payment must be received by April 22. Class is held at the Hardin County Extension Office beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Don’t Forget about the Lincoln Trail Area Master Gardeners’ 13th Annual Plant Fair: MAY 21st from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Hardin County Extension Office, 201 Peterson Drive, Elizabethtown.
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